Songbird Elopements Nicola Grae

Nicola Grae

is an astrologist, life-coach and spiritual seeker who has found such joy in marrying couples in Los Angeles. While working with couples in her life coaching business, she realized the joy of an intentional ceremony that helps solidify the start of your unity journey as a couple. If you choose Nicola for your day you can expect thoughtful touches with a sprinkle of magic. 😉

3 words that describe your personal officiating style.

Spiritual, kind and intentional.

What makes LA special to you?

LA is filled with people searching for a deeper meaning in life and it creates such an open hearted city of good vibes!

What is your favorite Los Angeles Gem (location, restaurant, dance spot etc)? 

There are too many too mention, but the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine in the Palisades, is gorgeous with great views! The grounds are incredible and the energy is sublime.

What do you think is the key to a happy relationship? 

Communication. If you can talk about it and dare to share the shadow side of yourself with your partner… you can get through anything!